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    Water-splashing Festival was Held by Thai Students from Our College

    On April 14th afternoon, the water-splashing festival for Thai students was held in the college. Ms. Lu Momei was selected to hosted this activity. Executives, teachers and some international students were invited to the Water-splashing Festival.

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    The 2nd Chinese language teacher training object for Dungan people

    From August 4th to August 18th, the 2nd Chinese language teacher training object for Dungan people was held in NWU.

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    The opening ceremony for the 2016 new students

    On September 1st, the opening ceremony and military training mobilization meeting for the 2016 new students were held grandly on Central Square of Changan Campus.

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    International Students Join the First Physical Culture Festival

    On April 24th afternoon, the first three-day physical culture festival was closed in Changan campus’ stadium. Executives of NWU was invited to the closing ceremony. More than forty international students from our college took part in this festival.

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    The US 2015 KIIS Summer Short-term Class Study in NWU

    From June 6th to July 5th, 17 teachers and students from The US 2015 KIIS summer Short-term class study in NWU. Students from this short-term class had studied Chinese language and made a face-to-face communication with students from School of Foreign Language, School of Art , and School of Chemical Engineering, etc. After study, teachers and students visited NWU museum and some historical heritag...

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    CICE Held the Scholarship Award Ceremony for Outstanding International Students

    On July 3rd, the Scholarship Award Ceremony for Outstanding International Students was opened in lecture hall of library in Taibai campus. This ceremony is intend to commend outstanding international students. Executives and all teachers of CICE, and nearly 200 international students took part in this ceremony. In the ceremony, 4 awarded representatives narrated their study ...

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    Thailand International Students Graduation Forum

    On July 10th, CICE executives and teachers held graduation forum with 7 Thailand international students who will soon back to Thai.

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    9月1日,我校2016级新生开学典礼暨军训动员大会在长安校区中心广场隆重举行。 典礼在雄壮有力的国歌声中拉开序幕。校党委书记王亚杰,校长郭立宏,校党委副书记、副校长贾明德,校党委副书记孙国华,校党委副书记雷忠鹏,校党委常委、工会主席王望弟,副校长高岭,校党委常委、副校长王尧宇,副校长张云翔,校党委常委、副校长卓宇,校党委常委、副校长王正斌,校党委常委、总会计师张增芳,中国人民解放军陆军驻西北大...

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    8月24日,日本佛教大学第31回汉语短期研修班圆满结业,相关院领导及老师参加了结业典礼。 本届汉语研修班共有8名佛教大学本科生和黄當时、杨韬两位带队老师组成,8月15日来我校,进行为期十天汉语学习。王秋丽老师、李阳老师担任授课教师,通过灵活多样的课堂教学、丰富多彩的名胜古迹参观,在有限的时间内有效提高学生的汉语水平,增长他们的中国文化知识。 佛教大学是日本一所立足于传扬佛教精神的人...

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    8月4日至18日,来自哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦的16名东干族汉语教师在我校进行培训,并参加2016年汉语教学研讨会。 培训计划由中亚学院组织实施,中亚学院采用“课堂教学+传统文化讲座+现场实践”方式进行了培训。为了让东干族汉语教师们体验陕西生活,触摸时常惦念的“老家”,我院组织参观了陕西历史博物馆、西门城墙、回民街、袁家村等处。 培训期间,东干族汉语教师参加了由国际文化交流学院举办的...